
We only charge users who want to sign documents - it is free to check them. And even then only if you want phone support or sign over about 10,000 documents per day.

As it stands unless you want to sign over 100,000 documents a day it is free. If you do have a very high requirement or need telephone/remote support please contact us.


£0 / mo

  • No sign-up needed
  • 20,000 usage points a day
  • Email support
  • Help center access
Start signing..


£500 / mo

  • 200,000 usage points a day
  • Phone, WebEx/Zoom and email support
  • Help center access
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  • Hosted on your Domain
  • Hosted signing server
  • Unlimited usage points a day
  • Phone, WebEx/Zoom and email support
  • Help center access
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Usage is measured in units as listed below. As you can see you can batch upload 10,000 signatures per day even with just the free account.

Usage PointsItemDescription
1Check and find signed fileEvery time someone successfully checks authenticity of a file that you have signed
2Upload file signature in batchUploading a signature in a batch with multiple other signartures
10Upload single file signatureUploading a single signature on its own
10Download certificate of authenticityA user downloads a certificate of proof for a file you signed
20Download timestamped proof of certificateA user gets a timestamped proof of a certificate of authenticity of one of your files